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This October sees the 30th anniversary of German reunification.

While remembrance and celebrations are often limited to Germany itself, this was an event of global importance. It was not only a product of the late Cold War, it also shaped profoundly the international geopolitical context that brought the Cold War to an end a year later.

Achieving unity and becoming a leading regional power attracted attention from other countries who endured division after the end of the Second World War. South Korea, which has repeatedly attempted to find a path towards reunification with the North, studied the German case closely.

In this panel, experts on the history of German and Korean unity policies will look critically at this process. What lessons, if any, did Korean experts take away from the East and West German approaches to unity policy? How did German reunification affect Korea’s chances to reunify? And in what ways is the division etched into the social and cultural fabric of German and Korean societies?

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At this event

Isabelle Hertner

Senior Lecturer in Politics of Britain in Europe

Ramon Pacheco Pardo

Head of the Department of European & International Studies and Professor of International Relations