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Kuberan Pushparajah

Dr Kuberan Pushparajah

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Cardiology

Research interests

  • Cardiovascular


Dr Kuberan Pushparajah is a clinical senior lecturer in paediatric cardiology in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King's College London. He is also an honorary consultant paediatric cardiologist at the Evelina London Children's Hospital, London. His interests are in cardiovascular imaging, namely in the fields of magnetic resonance imaging and advanced echocardiography including 3D echocardiography. He is the clinical lead for the Congenital Cardiac MRI programme, which encompasses congenital CMR from the fetus to the adult, and CMR guided catheteristaion.


    New fetal shape analysis can predict need for baby's life-saving surgery

    Coarctation of the aorta is one of the most challenging conditions to diagnose before birth.

    fetuses and hearts uxio


      New fetal shape analysis can predict need for baby's life-saving surgery

      Coarctation of the aorta is one of the most challenging conditions to diagnose before birth.

      fetuses and hearts uxio