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Philippa Garety

Professor Philippa Garety

Professor of Clinical Psychology


Professor Philippa Garety joined the staff of KCL  first in 1981, and, after a brief period in Oxford in the 1990s, where she co-led the clinical psychology training course there, she rejoined KCL in 1997 as Professor of Clinical Psychology.  Her expertise is in psychological models and treatments for problems associated with psychosis, in particular unusual, distressing beliefs and psychotic experiences (sometimes called ‘delusions’ and ‘hallucinations’). She was one of the UK-based pioneers of cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis. She has developed and evaluated specialist services for people with psychosis, such as the first UK trial of an Early Intervention Psychosis service.  She has recently worked with others to develop and test innovative treatments for problems in psychosis employing digital technology (AVATAR and SlowMo). She has collaborated on wide-ranging theoretical research and clinical trials and published over 200 peer reviewed papers. 

Philippa's first degree in Psychology and Philosophy (natural sciences) was from Cambridge University, 1979. She qualified in Clinical Psychology (MPhil) at the Institute of Psychiatry (KCL) in 1981 and is a British Psychological Society chartered clinical psychologist, also registered with the Health Care Professions Council as a practitioner psychologist. She is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (since 1995). She has a PhD in Psychology (1990; Investigations in Delusional Reasoning; University of London), and an MA in Higher and Professional Education from the Institute of Education, University of London (1996). She was accredited as a cognitive and behavioural therapist by the UK BABCP and is a member of the Academy of Cognitive therapy (USA). 

Philippa has been awarded the British Psychological Society Shapiro award for ‘eminence’ in clinical psychology (2002); the British Psychological Society Professional Practice Board Lifetime Achievement Award (2018); Senior Investigator of the National Institute of Health Research, selected for two terms (2008-2015) and continues as a Senior Investigator emerita.  

Research Interests

  • Unusual beliefs and experiences (delusions and hallucinations)- theoretical and empirical  studies 
  • Psychological treatments for psychosis 
  • Digital technologies and treatments for paranoia and voices 


  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis 

Expertise and Public Engagement

Philippa has been involved in national and international advisory bodies consulting on mental health research and services for people with psychosis (e.g. NICE guideline development, NHS England clinical reference groups; German Federal Government advisory committee). She currently is serving on one of the Wellcome Trust advisory panels for research funding. 


    avatar logo

    AVATAR therapy offers a new approach to working with distressing voices (auditory hallucinations), using digital technology to allow ‘face-to-face’ dialogue between the voice-hearer and a computerised representation of their voice (the avatar). We are now taking this forward in the AVATAR2 trial.

    The Avatar Project

    The AVATAR Project was a clinical research trial of an innovative new therapeutic treatment designed to help people suffering from distressing voices.

    Project status: Completed

    IoPPN Virtual Reality Lab

    The IoPPN Virtual Reality Research Lab (VR Lab) is a world-leading multidisciplinary group dedicated to VR based research, assessment and treatments to improve mental health, enhance well-being and promote resilience.

    UNIQUE Research Group

    UNIQUE Research group carries out a range of sudies involving people who experience persistent, full-blown psychotic experiences but are not in need of care


    AVATAR and SloMo digital therapies for psychosis recommended for use in NHS

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended two digital health technologies for psychosis developed at the Institute of...

    AVATAR and SloMo V2

    £1.3 million Wellcome funding awarded to SlowMo

    SlowMo, an inclusive, digitally supported therapy for paranoia, has been awarded £1.3 million funding by Wellcome to scale up in three NHS Trusts.

    Person is shown holding a mobile phone with the SlowMo app open. Another person is shown walking past them. The top of the screen displays the text "Hi Angela, what are you thinking about?'. In the middle of the screen, a worry bubble is shown which has the text 'Someone is following me'. The bottom of the screen says 'What is you thought? Tap the bubble to enter your thought or swipe to see previous thoughts'

    Paranoia therapy app SlowMo helps people “slow down” and manage their fears

    A clinical trial has revealed that a new digitally supported therapy effectively supports people to manage paranoia to help them in their daily lives

    SlowMoLogo 780x440


      avatar logo

      AVATAR therapy offers a new approach to working with distressing voices (auditory hallucinations), using digital technology to allow ‘face-to-face’ dialogue between the voice-hearer and a computerised representation of their voice (the avatar). We are now taking this forward in the AVATAR2 trial.

      The Avatar Project

      The AVATAR Project was a clinical research trial of an innovative new therapeutic treatment designed to help people suffering from distressing voices.

      Project status: Completed

      IoPPN Virtual Reality Lab

      The IoPPN Virtual Reality Research Lab (VR Lab) is a world-leading multidisciplinary group dedicated to VR based research, assessment and treatments to improve mental health, enhance well-being and promote resilience.

      UNIQUE Research Group

      UNIQUE Research group carries out a range of sudies involving people who experience persistent, full-blown psychotic experiences but are not in need of care


      AVATAR and SloMo digital therapies for psychosis recommended for use in NHS

      The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended two digital health technologies for psychosis developed at the Institute of...

      AVATAR and SloMo V2

      £1.3 million Wellcome funding awarded to SlowMo

      SlowMo, an inclusive, digitally supported therapy for paranoia, has been awarded £1.3 million funding by Wellcome to scale up in three NHS Trusts.

      Person is shown holding a mobile phone with the SlowMo app open. Another person is shown walking past them. The top of the screen displays the text "Hi Angela, what are you thinking about?'. In the middle of the screen, a worry bubble is shown which has the text 'Someone is following me'. The bottom of the screen says 'What is you thought? Tap the bubble to enter your thought or swipe to see previous thoughts'

      Paranoia therapy app SlowMo helps people “slow down” and manage their fears

      A clinical trial has revealed that a new digitally supported therapy effectively supports people to manage paranoia to help them in their daily lives

      SlowMoLogo 780x440