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ReD Associates Sensemaking Practical Course | 1-5 November 2021

How does a company connect with a new generation of customers? How does an organisation create lasting social impact ? How does a product make sure it is relevant in a new decade? How does a company ensure high adaptation of a new technology? How does and organisation make people committed to what they do?

Understanding human behavior is foundational and at the heart of any decision-making that results in progressive, relevant and meaningful strategies. In this course we will equip you with the toolkit to interpret human behavior to derive impactful strategies from.

In this one-week practical course, we will imagine that you are a consultant. Your client will be a large European bank who is realizing that they are facing a new generation of customers who have been raised for a very different world – one that is very different from the one that your client is used to navigating in. They are struggling with what meaningful services they can offer in the future to attract, support, and retain this new generation of customers. Your role will be to help solve this puzzle for them.

During this process, we will guide you through how to use social sciences to explore this case. We will deal with explorative methodologies that are deeply rooted in the ethnographic toolkit of anthropology and other social sciences. You will learn how to dissect and reframe business problems, identify the right research methodologies, recognize patterns across large datasets and develop deep, meaningful insights. The course will culminate in translating insights into impactful business recommendations and strategic advice.

This practical course will challenge your critical thinking, provide you with a cutting-edge toolkit to develop strategy in any setting. We will be simplifying the complex human ideas and complicating the seemingly simple behaviours – we will be sensemaking.


This course will take place from 1-5 November 2021.

Who can take the course?

This opportunity is a part of the International Management MSc course. 

About ReD Associates

ReD Associates is a highly specialised strategy consulting company. Our work uses deep insights to make actionable recommendations for our clients. We call our approach Sensemaking. This unique approach marries methods from the social sciences and rigorous synthesis with traditional business techniques.

The anthropologists, sociologists, economists, journalists, and designers who make up ReD employ the methods of social science to study human behaviour and help our clients develop a new perspective on their business.

An international staff with a diversity of perspectives enables us to ask the most culturally relevant questions and to explore the world in open-ended ways.

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