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Lisa Chen

Nurse Researcher/Lecturer, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia


Title: Nurse Researcher/Lecturer, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Specialist research area: Cardiac nursing research, knowledge transition

Research experience: Post-doctoral

I am an early career researcher who is committed to bridging the ‘know-do’ gap to improve the short- and long-term outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease. Although my current research is more involved in the non-surgery cardiac field, I am keen to be involved in nursing research related to cardiac surgery. I have had many years of working experience as a registered nurse in the cardiac field in Australia, including two years in the cardiothoracic unit. With my passion for knowledge translation, I will be dedicated to promoting evidence-based practice in cardiothoracic care through conducting cardiac surgery research in future.

Interested in receiving mentorship: Yes

Contact for PhD/collaborative research opportunities:
