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20 January 2022

Day Centre Research Forum – January meeting

Diverse day centre target users and programming

People at a garden party

Fifty-three participants attended the Day Centre Research Forum on Thursday 20th January, via Zoom. Delegates included day service providers and local authority commissioners, social workers, operational and development managers and researchers, university researchers and lecturers, a nurse, a psychiatrist, and people from national and local groups or good practice organisations. The speakers were Caroline Bucklee and Angela Denvir, from the Northern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland, and Dr Robert Hagan, of Manchester Metropolitan University).

Caroline and Angela outlined aspects of day centre organisation and provision in their trust, considering mainly how services are organised and managed to promote inclusion for all service users.

Robert shared findings of his research about time-limited day centre programming in Northern Ireland focusing on the service provider’s rationale for this, and the impact on and view of his study participants.

The Day Centre Research Forum, organised by the ARC South London social care theme, funded by the NIHR and based at the NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London, is held twice a year, in January and June, and can be attended in person or online. The forum connects people who work, research or are interested in day services.

It’s really enormously helpful to have this network. It can often feel as if we’re working in isolation within rehabilitative day services (despite our role being about helping those we work with to make connections!) and to be able to share experiences with those working in similar settings is hugely beneficial. This has never been more true than during the pandemic, when I think we’re all trying to work out solutions. Having a sense of doing so together is greatly valued.

Comments of one Forum member

In this story

Katharine Orellana

Research Fellow