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Andrew Massey

Professor Andrew Massey FAcSS

Academic Director, International School for Government

Research interests

  • Policy


Andrew is the Academic Director of the International School for Government. He has worked in a range of areas including British, European, and US policy and politics. His main areas of research include comparative public policy, public administration and issues around the reform and modernization of government and governance.

Andrew has worked on secondment and as an advisor to a range of UK and European government bodies. He is Editor in Chief of the journal International Review of Administrative Sciences, and Editor of Public Money and Management. He is a member of the Council of Administration of the International Institute for Administrative Sciences. His community work included over 17 years as a Justice of the Peace. 


Big Data and the Policy Process

Our digital lives are being “datafied” - but what are the consequences, and how should we respond?

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Big Data and the Policy Process

Our digital lives are being “datafied” - but what are the consequences, and how should we respond?

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