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Javiera Leniz  Martelli

Dr Javiera Leniz Martelli MSc, MD

PhD Fellow

Research interests

  • Palliative care


Javiera joined the Cicely Saunders Institute as a Research Assistant in April 2017 working on transitions to hospital among people with dementia at the end of life. She started her PhD program at the Institute in 2019. Her project looks at primary and community care services utilization among people with dementia and their influence on transitions to hospital in their last year of life.

Javiera received medical training and qualified as a general practitioner at the Pontifical Catholic University in Chile. She worked in a clinical post for six years. She then moved to London and completed a full-time MSc in public health at the Faculty of Life Science & Medicine at King’s College London in 2016.

Research interests:

  • Primary health care at the end of life
  • Dementia care
  • Routinely collected data analysis
  • Health care service research


Research profile


    nurse talking to cancer patient csi project 780x450
    Understanding the Impact of Community Health & Social Care Services on Hospitalisation in the Last Months of Life

    Examining primary and community health care and hospital admissions among people with cancer in their last 90 days of life.

    Project status: Ongoing


    People in richer areas saw biggest increase in deaths at home during the pandemic

    The gap between where the rich and poor die widened during the pandemic, new research has found.

    Person in hospital bed holding hands of loved one


      nurse talking to cancer patient csi project 780x450
      Understanding the Impact of Community Health & Social Care Services on Hospitalisation in the Last Months of Life

      Examining primary and community health care and hospital admissions among people with cancer in their last 90 days of life.

      Project status: Ongoing


      People in richer areas saw biggest increase in deaths at home during the pandemic

      The gap between where the rich and poor die widened during the pandemic, new research has found.

      Person in hospital bed holding hands of loved one