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Please note: this event has passed

Unfortunately, the film screening has been cancelled.

We hope to reschedule the screening in Autumn 2024. Further details will be released closer to the time. You can find out more about the film, or watch the original version of the documentary in French here.

In the documentary ‘Briser le silence des amphis’, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and staff members testify to the sexist and sexual violence they suffered on a French university campus.

Join this special screening to learn more about gender violence, and how we can explore and address this through film, and the documentary’s contribution to the fight against sexist and sexual violence in higher education and research.

One of the almost systematic consequences of this violence is the silencing, and therefore their omission. Making these stories heard is, beyond their individual liberating impact, working to complete the missing part of a collective history.

The screening (50 minutes) will be followed by a discussion and Q&A with Corinne Nativel - a producer on the film, Professor Jelke Boesten and Dr Phoebe Martin – with conversations around sexual harassment against and among young people, safe and unsafe spaces, and contributing toward positive changes at university.

Find out more about Briser le silence des amphis:


Corinne Nativel

Briser le silence des amphis - Producer, Screen and words

Director of the Franco-British College / Directrice du Collège franco-britannique & Senior Lecturer in Anglophone studies at Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC)


Professor Jelke Boesten

Professor in Gender and Development, PI on the VEM project - 'Intersectional Gendered Violence', & Vice Dean (Research), interim, SSPP at King's College London

Dr Phoebe Martin

Research Associate on the VEM project 'Intersectional Gendered Violence'

Visual and Embodied Methodologies Network

This event is hosted by the Visual and Embodied Methodologies Network, part of a series of events for the ongoing ESRC-funded project, Visual and Embodied Methodologies for Intersectional Gendered Violence (VEMINISTAS).


At this event

Jelke  Boesten

Vice Dean (Research), interim, SSPP

Phoebe Martin

Research Associate