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If your examiners recommended a re-examination (within 12 or 18 months) following your first examination, please follow the below steps:

STAGE 1 - RD1 - examination entry form

Two months before students are due to submit their revised thesis for re-examination, they are required to submit a new RD1 - examination entry form to the Research Degrees Examinations team

RD1 examination entry form (Re-examination)

This should be emailed to

Alternatively a signed copy maybe submitted to the below address:

Please click below for further information on:

STAGE 2 - Examiners for re-examination
  • The examiners for a re-examination will normally be the same as the first examination. 

  • The Research Degrees Examinations team will contact the examiners to ask if they are willing to re-examine

  • If either or both examiners are unable to examine again, your supervisor will need to nominate replacement(s). In such circumstances, the new examiners will have to be approved in the same way as the first examination (approved by the SAB and the Research Degrees Examination Board Chair).

STAGE 3 - Thesis submission for re-examination

Electronic Thesis

Please email a PDF version of your revised thesis to along with a signed copy of  a new RD2 form  The PDF version will be emailed to your examiners in the dispatch email.

If your deadline falls on a weekend or during office closure you are still required to email a PDF version of your thesis to no later than your deadline.

We must receive the PDF version of your thesis no later than 23:59 UK time. 

Soft bound Thesis

Some examiners may prefer to work from a printed version of the student's thesis rather than the PDF, if this is the case:

  • The Research Degrees Examinations team will in the first instance check with the examiner if they would be happy to print the thesis themselves. If the examiner is happy to do this and is able to, they can claim back the expenses following the examination

  • If the examiner is unable to print the thesis, the Research Degrees Examinations team will contact the student to make arrangements for a print version to be posted directly to the examiner(s) or via a binders


Please click below for further information on:

STAGE 4 - Thesis dispatch

Same examiners as first examination

After both examiners have responded to inform the Research Degrees Examinations team that they are willing to re-examine, the thesis will be dispatched.

An email will be sent to the examiners with a PDF of the thesis attached, the student and supervisor will be copied into the email

Replacement examiners

If one or both of the examiners are replacements, they will need to be considered and approved by the SAB and the Chair of the Research Degrees Examination Board.

After the examiners have been approved and appointed the thesis will be dispatched as per the above.

STAGE 5 - Oral examination

Following the first examination if the examiners indicated on the decision form that a second oral examination must be held, then they cannot change this result at the point of the re-examination and the second oral examination must take place.

Examiners cannot request a second oral examination following the re-examination of the thesis if this was not indicated on the original decision form.

The supervisor will be responsible for making the arrangements for this.

Please note the oral examination should not be arranged prior to the dispatch of the thesis.

STAGE 6 - Examiner reports and outcomes

For a re-examination examiners are required to complete the following:

  • Decision form 
  • Joint report
  • List of corrections (if applicable)
  • Preliminary reports (If a second oral examination was held)

Please note if corrections have been recommended following a re-examination the maximum time permitted is one calendar month, as per the Academic Regulations.

Please note: the deadline for reports to be received by is the 24th of each month.

Following this all examiner outcomes will be ratified by the Chair of the Research Degrees Examination Board at the end of each month. 

Outcomes will be communicated to students via email during the first two weeks of the month following ratification.

Please note the official start date of any amendments that need to be made to the thesis will be the date the outcome email is sent to the student.

Please click below for further information on:

 For steps following the outcome please refer to stages 8, 9 and 10 on the following page:

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