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Dr Rose Penfold
Wellcome Trust Multimorbidity PhD Fellow
University of Edinburgh
Talk title: “Delirium, Dementia and DataLoch: Linking Multiple Routine Clinical Data Sources at Scale"
Delirium is an acute, severe neuropsychiatric condition that affects one in four hospitalised older people and is associated with a number of adverse outcomes, including higher risk of future dementia. DataLoch is a novel Edinburgh-based data service, bringing together routine data from primary care, hospital, prescribing records and national administrative datasets, facilitating new insights into the relationships between long-term conditions, delirium and dementia. together routine data from primary care, hospital, prescribing records and national administrative datasets, facilitating new insights into the relationships between long-term conditions, delirium and dementia.
Mais Iflaifel
Lecturer in Environmental Physiology
Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
Talk title: "Navigating complexity of the medication management system within the home setting"
This talk will explore the interdependent functions and challenges faced by individuals with dementia and their informal carers, shedding light on the need for system-level improvements. The aim is to inform future strategies and recommendations for enhancing resilience in medication management and ensuring safe and effective medication management in the home setting.