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Design principles of tissue organization

Speaker: Professor Prisca Liberali

Prisca Liberali has been trained as a physical organic chemist, and during her postdoc, she has developed new single-cell methods and statistical approaches to model complex patterns of cell-to-cell variability. Since 2015 Prisca runs her research group at the FMI, in which she continues to innovate on image-based single-cell approaches. She has set up novel light-sheet and high-throughput imaging approaches to quantify multiple features of organoid development. This has recently led to a seminal paper by her group showing that initial symmetry breaking in intestinal organoids is determined by variation in mechano-sensing in individual cells. In addition, she has successfully applied this platform to achieve the first high-content screen of compounds that interfere with intestinal regeneration and identified novel compounds that improve intestinal regeneration in vivo. She has received the ERC Starting Grant in 2017, became an EMBO YIP 2019 and was awarded the Friedrich Miescher prize in 2021.

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