Please note: this event has passed
What makes an expert?
Traditionally, researchers in universities have worked from constructed positions of power, equipped with the resources and agency to drive research agendas, and impart – or impose – their generated knowledge on communities.
This takeover at Science Gallery London, King's flagship exhibition space, will explore the concept of ‘experts by experience’, which challenges this hierarchy by recognising that people with lived experience of an issue or system are best placed to contribute to related research.
Involving experts by experience challenges the neutrality of research, and can make the process and outputs more ethical, accessible and relevant. This approach is at the heart of Participatory Research, which aims to empower those most affected by an issue to generate knowledge that can bring about social change.
A series of thought-provoking events and training workshops will run alongside the display – keep an eye on the Science Gallery London Takeover Space for details.
This exhibition has been co-developed by King’s researchers and lived experience co-researchers.
Produced and curated by Bella Spencer and Nat Gohlan, King’s Impact and Engagement Services.
Takeover space design by Marcia Mihotich Studio
Event details
Takeover SpaceScience Gallery London
Great Maze Pond, London, SE1 9GU