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The age of intelligent algorithms: 21st century industry, commerce and science

17.45 - Registration and refreshments

18.00 - Welcome from Chris Mottershead, Senior Vice President (Quality, Strategy & Innovation), King’s College London

18.10 - The Age of Intelligent Algorithms: 21st Century Industry, Commerce and Science by Professor Stephen Roberts

19.00 - Drinks reception

We live in an era dominated by data and algorithms. The rapid rise of artificial intelligence is as impressive as it is frightening. From playing games against us to making decisions about us and displacing us in the job market, we cannot escape the impact AI is having on our everyday lives. As well as the social impact of algorithms, AI is leading a quiet revolution in science and industry, helping make commercial processes more efficient and enabling us to learn more about the world around us. This talk looks at some of the good and the bad of this revolution, with a focus on the practical transformations intelligent algorithms are having in science and industry.

Professor Stephen Roberts
Professor Roberts is the Royal Academy of Engineering / Man Group Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Oxford, Director of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance, founding-Director of the Oxford Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (AIMS) and co-founder of the Oxford Machine Learning spin-out company, Mind Foundry. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Statistical Society and the Alan Turing Institute. Professor Roberts’s interests lie in the theory and methodology of machine learning for large-scale problems, especially those in which noise and uncertainty abound. His current research projects focus on the application of machine learning in the physical sciences, the engineering industry and finance.

Higgs Lecture
This is the sixth in what is now an established series of celebrated public scientific lectures. The first lecture was delivered in 2012 by Nobel Prize winner and King’s alumnus, Professor Peter Higgs FRS, after whom the series was named. Professor Peter Higgs graduated in 1950 with a first-class honours degree in Physics, and famously predicted the Higgs Boson particle. Other Higgs Lectures have been delivered by: mathematician, Professor Caroline Series; biochemist, Professor James Bowie; engineer, Sir John O’Reilly; and physicist, Professor Sheila Rowan.

Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences
The Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences has a tradition of excellence in research and education, and a commitment to promoting the careers of women in science. Our work crosses traditional subject boundaries, creating cutting-edge research in non-traditional disciplines that contribute towards the university’s broad subject base. We are working on fundamental problems in basic science across mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and engineering, as well as their application to healthcare, security and many other areas.

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