We look forward to bringing together the very best scientific experts, students, researchers and practitioners to discuss the latest advances in forensic genetics, digital forensics, international forensics, anti-doping science and forensic and analytical science. This symposium is an opportunity to get together after a frustrating couple of years, catch up and network in the Centre of London. We promise a very exciting programme of science and scholarship.
Professor Kim Wolff MBE, Director of King’s Forensics
Please note: this event has passed
Please find our symposium programme and call for abstracts below the following text.
You can now register for the symposium by following this link.
For online registration - you will be sent your Teams link to join after you have registered, before the event. If you have any questions, please email lesley.nott@kcl.ac.uk.
King’s Forensics is an academic grouping within the Department of Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences (AEFS), with unique resource provided by three laboratories accredited to UKAS Quality Standard (ISO/IEC 17025). The City of London police accredited fingerprint laboratory joined the Drug Control Centre and DNA analysis @ King’s in 2020. King’s Forensics houses three further laboratories supporting research ranging from anti-doping science to forensic toxicology, scene-of-crime analysis to phenotypic identity, and drug-driving to wildlife poaching. Our research is known for its impact, and focuses on addressing some of the global analytical challenges presented to governments, the police and justice departments as well as to educators and service providers.
King’s Forensics, part of the Department of Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences at King's, comprises five key research and teaching groups:
- Forensic & Analytical Science
- Forensic Genetics
- Anti-doping Science
- International Forensics
- Digital Forensics & Cybercrime
This symposium showcases that research.
Plenary and Core sessions will be presented by international experts and researchers from King's Forensics with the theme 'Collaboration, Innovation and Impact'. Events will include lightning and poster presentations, updates from external partners and panel discussions, followed by prize giving.
In exploring this theme, we have speakers coming from across academia and the justice system with a focus on forensic science, as well as the potential impact of the scientific method in broader areas, such as anti-doping and the sexual exploitation of vulnerable people overseas.
The two-day programme will also bring together a panel to discuss our theme with panelists including a former Justice of the Supreme Court, a member of the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee, the Science and Justice lead from UKRI and the Forensic Science Regulator. Sessions will cover Forensic Genetics, Forensic Toxicology, Sports Doping, Forensic Biochemistry, Discovery, Digital, Environmental and Wildlife Crime.
We extend a warm invitation to colleagues from within government, industry and academia. We invite you to attend in person to enjoy the wonderful venue, attend lunch and drinks receptions and network on the 8th Floor rooftop of Bush House. However, you can also attend online via our HopIn online registration.
Sponsors are invited to submit their applications for a bronze, silver, or gold sponsorship package to the following email: Kings-Forensics@kcl.ac.uk.
We are also calling for any abstract and poster submissions for the symposium. Please find more information about our call in the below flyer, and contact us at the following email for a submission template: Kings-Forensics@kcl.ac.uk.

We would like to thank our sponsors:
Top-level sponsor: Verogen
Verogen is continuing to drive the development of innovative and powerful NGS-based human identification workflows. Over the coming months we will be releasing new library prep and software tools for STR analysis and SNP-based tools for forensic DNA phenotyping. In addition, a new low-cost, Verogen-supported option for automation of all current ForenSeq workflows will also be available. Come chat to us at our exhibition stand to find out more and for the chance to enter our prize draw.

Top-level sponsor: Nimagen
Nimagen are innovators in DNA sequencing technologies. Their technology IDseek promises innovative reverse-complement PCR technology. Visit their exhibitor stand during the King's Forensics Symposium.

Eurofins Forensic Services laboratories are amongst the most advanced analytical facilities in Europe, enabling the company to offer a complete and comprehensive range of independent and innovative forensic testing solutions to police forces, legal and criminal justice organisations throughout the UK and Europe.

British Academy of Forensic Sciences
To encourage study, improve practice, disseminate information, and advance knowledge in Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine for public benefit. To further these objects by:
- Holding educational meetings and seminars, and publishing material that furthers the aims of the Academy. Promoting better cooperation and understanding between lawyers and expert witnesses.
- Sharing expertise in order to resolve legal conflicts justly and expeditiously.
- Providing a forum for exchange of information in the field of forensic science.
- Using the skills and knowledge within the membership to promote the resolution of national and international issues in Medicine, Science, and the Law.

Event details
The Auditorium & 8th FloorBush House
Strand campus, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG