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Enrica Rigo is Associate Professor at the University of Roma Tre where she holds the chair in Philosophy of Law and coordinates a legal clinic program on migration and asylum. Her research interests include critical legal theory, theories of citizenship and border studies, asylum and gender issues. She is the author of numerous publications on citizenship, migration and borders including the books Europa di confine: Trasformazioni della cittadinanza nell’Unione allargata (2007) and La straniera: Migrazioni, asilo, sfruttamento in una prospettiva di genere (2022). Over the last two decades, Enrica has been involved as an activist in the Italian and European movements in support of migrants’ rights and in the feminist movement.


The presentation interrogates from the standpoint of critical legal studies the entanglements between freedom of movement and social reproduction. On the one side, the conceptual separation between production and social reproduction lies at the centre of legal regimes of mobility control, on the other side, gendered transgressions of borders destabilize the very categories upon which law and politics maintain this distinction. By focusing on the role that mobility plays as an essential element in social reproduction, borders are seen as a multiplier of coercive social reproduction regimes that facilitate disenfranchisement and exploitation. The argument seeks to shed light on the limits of the legal notion of exploitation that is incapable of tackling the intersection between patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism in the contemporary global mode of production.

The Laws of Social Reproduction project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (under grant agreement No. 772946).

For more information about the project, please email

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At this event

Prabha Kotiswaran

Professor of Law & Social Justice

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