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As the economist Fischer Black remarked in the context of finance: noise is what makes it difficult to test theories, it is what clouds our vision and what forces us ‘to act largely in the dark. (Black,1986)

The objective of this monthly seminar, which will see the College international de philosophie hosted by King’s College London, is to bring the philosophical stakes of the question of noise to the foreground. Philosophers and theoreticians are invited to meet at the intersection of philosophy, digital culture and experimental artistic practices, in order to revaluate this notion of noise, not only in light of the importance it is given by Fischer Black, but also in von Neumann’s famous formulation, according to which noise is not only essential to any process under consideration, but ‘fully comparable’ in its importance to the ‘intended and correct logical structure’ of data. (von Neumann, 1956).

Hosted by the Departments of Digital Humanities and French