The Beyond 1932 Artist-in-Residence Programme is run by postdoctoral fellow and freelance curator Dr Rim Irscheid and invites practitioners across the fields of sound art, experimental and electroacoustic music to reflect on the sonic and colonial legacy of the 1932 Cairo Congress. The performances take place across London and aim to connect diaspora musicians working across sound art, experimental music and contemporary Arabic music. Venues for 2025 are the British Library, Café OTO, and the Greenwood Theatre.
For the duration of the Beyond 1932 ERC/UKRI project, these six residencies reflect on issues around music pedagogy, counterarchival practices, notation and tuning, and multidisciplinary performance practices. The residency series is providing a platform for artist-led approaches to archiving and sonic interventions that address the issues around control and power of institutional archives and politics of cultural representation and intersectional counterarchives in the region. In collaboration with the British Library, the project is depositing a collection of the residency recordings in close collaboration with the artists who co-lead on the curating and archiving of their own practice.