Seminars in Biological Physics are co-hosted by The Centre for the Physical Sciences of Life, and Biological Physics Across Scales Centre for Doctoral Training (BiPAS CDT).
These fortnightly seminars are open to anyone who is interested in biological physics.
Details of how to join will be listed on each event listing.
Centre for the Physical Sciences of Life
The goal of our unique physical science centre is to achieve a whole-scale quantitative understanding of life using physical and mathematical principles. By coalescing expertise across our faculty in creative fusions of natural, mathematical and engineering sciences, our ambition is to solve the fundamental challenge of modern biology; bridging the gap between current biomolecular and systems-level descriptions of biological phenomena. This presents a significant new frontier for physical science tackling emergent behaviour far from equilibrium in sentient systems that self-assemble and evolve.
The CDT is a multi-disciplinary doctoral training programme in biological physics-based at King's College London. The programme is funded by the King's Centre for Doctoral Studies. Its focus is to understand how complex macroscopic phenomena -observed at scales appropriate to tissue, organism, or even population - arise from mechanisms at the cellular, molecular, and atomic level.