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A warm welcome to the Homelessness series at King's College London

This series of webinars on different aspects of multiple exclusion homelessness is open to all. It is co-ordinated by Jess Harris, Research Fellow at the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, who works within the Homelessness Research Programme at the Unit.

Multiple exclusion homelessness is a term used to capture the overlapping of a range of experiences associated with social exclusion, including not just homelessness but also experiences of institutional care, substance use, and ‘street culture’ activities.

Survey, summer 2024

Jess Harris, with colleagues, is conducting a survey about mental capacity and homelessness - please do consider completing it (about 10 mins). Many thanks.

Scroll down for events in this series

Where possible, we post slides from past events on the previous events pages at the foot of this page. We do not make recordings of these events (with the occasional exception).

Please contact Jess Harris if you are interested in speaking about your research or innovative practice at this series. And do get in touch with Jess if you would like to be on the series mailing list for updates.

Just want to say thank you for all the great webinars you have been organising for the past few months. They are great food for practice!

Principal Social Worker in an English local authority, June 2023