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Stem Cells @ Lunch is a fortnightly lunchtime seminar series, hosted by the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine. The series is a forum for early-career scientists to discuss recent data and learn about current topics in an informal setting.

All are welcome. 

Location: Seminar Room, Centre for Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine, 28th floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Campus. Please follow signs for 'Seminar Room 2' from the 28th-floor lift lobby. 

More details of how to find us: Getting to CSCRM.

We are always looking for great speakers from all career stages. If you are interested in presenting then please contact Priyanka Bhosale, Alejo Torres Cano, or Nienke Willemsen.

You can follow us on Twitter: @KCLstemcells.   

You can now follow the research at CSCRM by following our  PODCAST series. The podcast is managed by Jess Sells .