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The King's Research Integrity Office invites you to a talk from Professor Cary Moskovitz on text recycling followed by a drinks reception.
Researchers often have reason to reuse content from one paper to another, especially when the same methodological approach, experimental apparatus, or statistical analyses are used in related studies. Researchers may also have reason to repeat some background material, such as discussion of prior research or theoretical frameworks. Reusing material from one's previously published papers in a new paper is one kind of text recycling. Others include reusing material from a published article in one's dissertation, reworking a conference paper into a journal article, and translating one's work into a different language. Some kinds of recycling are widely considered appropriate and even standard practice. Others, especially manipulating text to disguise a previously published paper and submitting it as a new work, are universally condemned and may lead to disciplinary action. Given the wide variety of ways that researchers might recycle text, it isn't surprising that they are often unsure about what is and isn't ethical or legal. Cary Moskovitz, director of the NSF-funded Text Recycling Research Project (TRRP) will discuss the various ethical and legal complexities of text recycling in research writing and explain best practices for recycling material across a range of research contexts.
Cary Moskovitz is Professor of the Practice in Writing in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University, where he served as Director of Writing in the Disciplines from 2005-2023. He holds a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from North Carolina State University and a Masters of Architecture from Virginia Tech. Cary is Director of the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded Text Recycling Research Project. His articles and essays related to writing pedagogy and text recycling have appeared in such publications as Science, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Research Integrity and Peer Review, Science and Engineering Ethics, and the Journal of College Science Teaching.
Event details
River Room, Second Floor, King's BuildingKing's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS