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Please note: this event has passed

Despite the quantum leap in knowledge and technology, inequality is pervasive in all spheres. Something that the COVID-19 crisis is only exacerbating. Far from just physical, violence should also be understood as the long-term impact of these structural inequalities on individuals and communities around the world.

The harmful consequences of persisting inequality are especially visible in societies experiencing conflict or immediately after, when stability, security and development are scarce.

We have decided to dedicate this year’s conference to explore inequality from a multi-disciplinary lens. We will analyse inequality through its relationship with critical issues such as climate change, food security, gender, the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the inequality-conflict nexus.

The conference is a two-day event curated entirely by students for a live student audience. Since the conference was founded eight years ago, it has grown into a crucial event in the KCL calendar year. Our goal is to bring together exceptional minds from a range of backgrounds to participate in panels that foster learning and provoke conversations that matter.


Conference Schedule

Thursday 10th June

17:30-18:00 - Opening remarks

18:00-19:30 - COVID-19 and global inequality: Assessing the dynamics of disparity


Friday 11th June

09:00-10:30 - Where are the women? How conflict & security shape gender inequality and vice versa

11:00-12:30 - Unequal food systems: Key approaches in exploring hunger and food aid

13:30-15:00 - Climate change and conflict: Unequal realities at the forefront

15:30-17:00 - Mitigating the inequality-conflict nexus: What is the way forward?

17:30-18:30 - Keynote speaker

18:30-18:45 - Closing remarks


Stay tuned and do not forget to follow our social media accounts to receive conference updates.

Instagram: @csdconference

Twitter: @csdconference

The conference will be held online on Zoom Webinar. Registered attendees will receive a Zoom link attached to their confirmation email which will give access to all sessions in the following schedule. An email with the Zoom link will be sent again two days prior to the conference.

Register for free tickets.