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Please join us for Clare Pettitt's valedictory lecture in which she will look back over the seventeen years she has spent at King's College London and speak about the subject of 'English' and reflect on her research, past and current. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception to which all are welcome.
Continuing the investigation into nineteenth-century seriality that she launched and worked on extensively while she was at Kings, Clare will be looking towards the future and final volume of her trilogy and telling a serial story about plaster, bronze, gold, paper and poetry.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception to which all are welcome.
The lecture will take place in Edmond J Safra Lecture Theatre, with a drinks reception at the Terrace Cafe in the Macadam Building.
About Clare Pettitt
Clare Pettitt taught for 17 years at King’s College London, and before that in Leeds, Oxford, and Newnham College, Cambridge. In January 2022 she moved to the Grace 2 Chair in the Faculty of English at Cambridge University. Clare has published numerous articles on nineteenth-century subjects and has a particular interest in print culture, technology and media forms.
Her books include Patent Inventions: Intellectual Property and the Victorian Novel (Oxford University Press, 2004) and ‘Dr Livingstone, I presume?’: Missionaries, Journalists, Explorers and Empire (Harvard University Press, 2007). Serial Forms: The Unfinished Project of Modernity 1815-1848 (Oxford University Press, 2020) won the NAVSA Book Prize [North American Victorian Studies Association] and the EsPrit Prize [European Society for Periodical Studies]. Serial Revolutions 1848: Writing, Politics, Form (Oxford University Press) came out in 2022.
Clare is a General Editor of the Cambridge University Press ‘Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture’ monograph series, and an editor of the journal Cambridge Quarterly. From 2016-2018, she was the Director of the London Arts and Humanities Partnership, a doctoral consortium of eight London universities. In 2022, she was Mercator Visiting Professor at Humboldt University Berlin and Robert Lehman Visiting Professor at Villa I Tatti near Florence, Harvard University’s Research Centre for Italian Renaissance Studies.
Event details
Edmond J Safra Lecture TheatreStrand Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS