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Please note: this event has passed

An online session of Zen-inspired meditation on the following dates:

  • 24th January
  • 7th February
  • 21st February
  • 6th March
  • 20th March

In these sessions, we will get to know different figures from the (mainly) Japanese Zen Buddhist traditions. We will also practice a version of guided kōan meditation. Kōans can be short stories of interaction between Zen masters and students or questions which seem not to have any logical answer. In Zen practice, a kōan provides the focus in this form of meditation practice. In sitting with a kōan, the meditator can reach a deep understanding of reality beyond the intellectual reflection.

***To join the session online, please either click on the link above, or the 'Online' text under the heading/date/time on this page, or on the 'Go to this event' button to the right, and you will be taken directly to the Zoom meeting - please note Meeting ID and Passcode below***

Meeting ID: 935 8421 2156 / Passcode: ZenMind24*

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