01 July 2019
50th annual reunion for Guy's Hospital 69 Club
Mid May saw the celebration of 50 years since qualification of Guy's Hospital 69 club, the dental year who entered Guy's in 1964.

This year may be unique among alumni groups since they also celebrated 50 consecutive annual dinners, having met every year since qualifying.
They began as a very social group and have largely stayed in touch ever since. Although most have remained in England, members and their partners had traveled from the USA, France, Channel Islands, Wales and elsewhere to join in the weekend.
This year’s special celebrations took place over three days and was based in Greenwich. Friday saw a river boat trip to Hay's Galleria and dinner. Guided tours of the magnificent Queen's House in Greenwich, and the Royal observatory during the Saturday preceded a lovely dinner in the Devonport Hotel.
The guests of honour were Don Gibb and his wife Glenda. Don reminisced about the joys of teaching our year oral surgery and of the characters among the staff at the time.
The weekend concluded with a barbecue hosted by Tina and Stephen Challacombe on the Sunday at their house in Greenwich.
The weekend was organised by David Jacobs, Chris Calder and Stephen Challacombe.