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14 January 2025

Academic appointed to EU institution steering committee

A King's academic has been appointed to a leading European committee focussed on security policy.


Professor Ramon Pacheco Pardo, head of the Department of European and International Studies at King’s, has been appointed to the steering committee of the Council for Security Co-operation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP EU).

CSCAP EU is the European Union’s official representation to the Council for Security Co-operation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP), and is made up of 60 experts from leading European universities, research and governmental institutions.

Prof Ramon Pacheco Pardo.
Prof Ramon Pacheco Pardo.

The role of CSCAP EU is to contribute to CSCAP activities by providing the best European expertise on key regional security issues.

Prof Pacheco Pardo said: 'Having joined the CSCAP EU committee upon its launch in 2013, I have witnessed how it has served EU experts and officials to become more involved in discussions central to the security of Asia and the Indo-Pacific region.

“I'm thankful to EU colleagues for now inviting me to join the steering committee. By joining, I hope to help CSCAP EU and the EU more broadly to expand their role in supporting security in the region.”

Established in 1993, CSCAP is the only security institution in Asia and the Indo-Pacific where representatives from the United States and China, South and North Korea meet regularly. It consists of 21 full members and is tasked with the exchange of information and dialogue between officials, experts and scholars representing a range of institutions and areas of expertise.

Find out more here.

In this story

Ramon Pacheco Pardo

Head of the Department of European & International Studies and Professor of International Relations