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17 September 2019

CEDACORE is moving forward

Great turn-out at CEDACORE’s meeting during the Brazilian IADR in Sao-Paulo.

CEDACORE presentations
Prof. Luciane Costa gave a brief introduction on the background and aims of the collaboration, followed by Prof. Daniela Raggio.

CEDACORE aims to develop young researchers and establish new UK-Brazil research networks.  CEDACORE (Children Experiencing Dental Anxiety- a Collaboration On Research and Education) was established in 2017 and the recent meeting in Sao-Paulo saw over 60 new delegates attending.

The collaboration is jointly founded by Prof. Marie Therese Hosey, King’s College London and Prof. Luciane Ribeiro de Rezende Sucasas da Costa, Federal University of Goias, Brazil to address some of the challenges that children with dental treatment face.

As a follow up to the 2017 workshop held in Brazil, CEDACORE had a new opportunity to gather on September 5th, 2019, at the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Division of the IADR held in Campinas, Sao Paulo (Brazil).

Presenting at the workshop, Dr. Aline Neves joined King’s College London for a two-year secondment from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro to support a portfolio of research projects on this collaboration.

She has gained knowledge of the NHS healthcare system, especially service evaluations, standard setting and audit, and shared it at the Brazilian IADR, where the organisation President and the Dean of Extension at the University of São Paulo acknowledged the role of CEDACORE in changing paradigms based on scientific evidence and focus on child well-being.

In total, 60 delegates attended the meeting, varying from senior academic staff, undergraduates, specialisation, master and PhD students. Dental professionals working within the public health system in Brazil also attended. 

A post-meeting survey revealed that many participants were indeed willing to engage in multicentre clinical studies related to application of minimal invasive techniques in reducing stress and anxiety during dental treatment for children. Others were willing to engage in dissemination of the paediatric dental curriculum on safe sedation and behaviour control management techniques recently developed by the CEDACORE group.

CEDACORE (Children Experiencing Dental Anxiety- a Collaboration On Research and Education)

In this story

Marie Therese Hosey

Professor of Clinical Paediatric Dentistry