03 February 2015
China export control workshop, Chongqing
On the 29th and 30th of January, Alpha co-hosted an industry export compliance event in Chongqing, China. The event was attended by practitioners from Chinese enterprise, including both state owned and private sector companies.
The workshop was the fourth in a series of events that have been funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office held in China in partnership with the China Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Previous events have been held in Dalian, Qingdao and Tianjin.
The workshop in Chongqing included presentations from Alpha’s specialists, British Industry, Chinese government officials and Chinese industry. The slide pack will be made available in due course.
The workshop highlighted the need for further joint activity to continue to improve the implementation of export controls in China and elsewhere. To this end, Alpha has made available a version of Alpha’s ELearning on export controls, tailored to Chinese export licencing policies and translated into Mandarin.
For more information on Alpha’s activities in China, please visit the “China” section of our website or contact the team by emailing alpha@kcl.ac.uk.