27 May 2022
Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize Winner 2022
The Department of English is delighted to announce the winner of the 2022 ‘Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize’, Gabriela Sambuccetti.
Gabriela Sambuccetti (MA in Modern Languages, Literature and Culture) has been awarded this year's Cosmo Davenport Poetry Prize for her poem 'A Migrant in a Piece of Paper'.
The Cosmo Davenport-Hines Poetry Prize is awarded by the Department of English and is open to all students across King's. The prize honours Cosmo, who died in June 2008 while still a student in the Department. It seeks to remember his creativity and his love of words.
This year's judging panel comprised Professor Ruth Padel, Dr Sarah Howes and Dr Luke Roberts, on the theme of 'migration'.
Gabriela is a recipient of King's prestigious Von Schlippenbach MA bursary and she is the founder and director of La Ninfa Eco, an international literary organisation with a team of writers from across the UK and Europe, the US and Latin America: https://laninfaeco.com/en/homepage-english/