I am thrilled to have opportunity to join the KCATO team. The clinical academic career pathway for nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and practitioners is precarious to navigate. The newly established KCATO is vital for King’s to work strategically across faculties, with our NHS partners and national infrastructures to realise our ambition as the ‘go-to’ place for clinical academics in health and social care. It is critical to build a clinical academic pathway to realise the full potential of our multi-disciplinary workforce and to address the complex challenges in health and social care. I am committed to ensuring this happens supported by a Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care that shares this ambition and is committed for this to happen for others across King’s and King’s Health Partners, and wider societal benefit.
Professor Catherine Evans, Deputy Director of King’s Clinical Academic Training Office (KCATO)
29 June 2022
Deputy Director of King's Clinical Academic Training Office (KCATO) appointed
Professor Catherine Evans will join as the second Deputy Director of the KCATO.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Catherine Evans, Professor of Palliative Care and Honorary Nurse Consultant as the second Deputy Director of King’s Clinical Academic Training Office (KCATO).
Professor Evans will be joining KCATO Director Professor Frances Williams, Professor of Genomic Epidemiology and Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist, and KCATO Deputy Director Dr Rina Dutta, Reader in Suicidology and Psychiatry and Consultant Psychiatrist as the third member of the KCATO leadership team.
Professor Catherine Evans is bringing significant experience to the KCATO team and will play a crucial role in coordinating and expanding the support offered to health researchers, especially in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions.
The creation of the KCATO has its roots within the Centre for Doctoral Studies and will play a key role in supporting clinical doctoral students, but its remit will extend to supporting all health professionals across all stages of research training working within King’s and its allied NHS trusts.
The KCATO has been set up to offer advice, best practice and information on academic careers, recruitment, training and development for all health professionals across all stages of research training as well as support for grant applications and funding. KCATO works in partnership with the Health Sciences DTC to support research training of health professionals.
We are delighted to welcome Catherine to the KCATO team. Catherine’s extensive experience as a practising clinical academic, whilst holding leadership roles, will be invaluable in helping us to achieve our aims. In particular, the inclusion of more nurses and allied health professionals in the academic pathway is one of our key strategies and Catherine will be instrumental in helping us develop a hub of advice and support which caters for all clinical academics.
Professor Frances Williams, Director of King’s Clinical Academic Training Office (KCATO)
The mission of KCATO is to be pan-professional and support all health professional researchers across the early pipeline – pre-doctoral, doctoral and postdoctoral - to enhance our capacity, and crucially help us leverage more external funding in this space. Catherine’s expertise in research and leadership will help our team fulfil this ambition and inspire future health professional research leaders, especially nurses, midwives and allied health professionals
Dr Rina Dutta Deputy Director of King’s Clinical Academic Training Office (KCATO)
You can follow us on Twitter - @Kings_CATO, email us at kcato@kcl.ac.uk and join our newsletter here.
We will be launching a new web page for KCATO shortly, in the meantime you can visit the Centre for Doctoral Studies pages with relevant information for health professional researchers.