11 May 2017
Dr Adnan Vatansever has article published in Energy Policy
Dr Adnan Vatansever has article published in Energy Policy
Dr Adnan Vatansever from the Russia Institute (School of Politics & Economics, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy) has published an article – Is Russia building too many pipelines? Explaining Russia's oil and gas export strategy – in Energy Policy.
The article examines Russia’s entire oil and gas export network and reveals that there is a considerable surplus pipeline capacity, which is likely to endure in the future. It brings to attention surplus capacity as a concept that could enrich discussions on what drivers Russia's energy policy abroad and how Moscow enhances its energy security. The article provides a number of explanations about this surplus capacity and underscores that it has been a central element of Russia's energy security policy.
Dr Vatansever brings a plethora of knowledge to the School of Politics and Economics. As a Senior Lecturer at King’s Russia Institute, he is also currently the Associate Director of the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) at King’s, and a Senior Fellow at the Eurasian Energy Futures Initiative at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC. Previously he worked at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, the World Bank and the U.S. Department of Energy.