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30 May 2018

Dr Ben Schofield wins Supervisory Excellence Award

Dr Ben Schofield has won a Supervisory Excellence Award for his work with PhD candidates

King's flag London

The Department of German's Dr Ben Schofield has won a Supervisory Excellence Award for his work with PhD candidates.

The awards are given by King's College London's Centre for Doctoral Studies, and recognise best practise in PhD supervision.

Dr Schofield, who is Head of the Department of German at King's College London, currently supervises 11 PhD students and has supervised an additional four PhD students who have completed their doctoral studies.

Dr Schofield takes a holistic approach to supervision that encompasses the students' pofessional and personal development as well as their intellectual project.

He says: “For me the pastoral role of the supervisor is perhaps the most important in ensuring students are happy researchers that will also complete on time.

“My supervisions are never simply just about the work, and a core element of my supervisory practice is to encourage my supervisees to think of themselves not as my “student”, but as my colleague and collaborator, to whom they can turn with any issue, intellectual or otherwise.”

You can find out more about Dr Schofield's supervisory interests on his staff profile

(Aug 2022 - The Department of German now the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures).