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22 May 2024

Dr Lukas Lindenroth explores the Hospital of the Future with New Scientist

Dr Lukas Lindenroth introduced current research from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences as part of a one-day public event on the future of medicine curated by New Scientist magazine.

Dr Lukas Lindenroth

Audiences at New Scientist's The Future of Medicine event were given a sneak-peek tour of the Hospital of the Future concept this week as part of the magazine's ongoing series of Instant Expert events. 

Dr Lukas Lindenroth, a Lecturer in Surgical Robotics in the Department of Surgical and Interventional Engineering, was invited to speak on key research areas and medical technologies from within the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences (BMEIS) that have formed the basis for the School's Hospital of the Future exhibit at New Scientist Live in 2022 and 2023

Ours is a world where technology blends seamlessly into every aspect of our lives. From AI assistants easing our daily tasks to the pinpoint precision of manufacturing robots, and nowhere is this technological potential more transformative than the field of personalized healthcare.

Dr Lukas Lindenroth, Lecturer in Surgical Robotics, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences.

Dr Lindenroth explored topics of healthcare engineering, including how AI can enhance medical image analysis, why surgeons of the future may benefit from training in virtual reality, and how big data can inform and guide patient diagnosis and healthcare pathways, before concluding with a guide to how cutting-edge medical robotics are being designed for safe, precise, and minimally invasive treatment. 

Instant Expert: The Future of Medicine was such a thought-provoking and informative event. The audience was so enthused by the range of topics discussed, with the speakers going into the science they find fascinating but in a way that is really easy to grasp.

Alexandra Thompson, New Scientist, Assistant News Editor.

Dr Lindenroth's research focuses on using novel robotics technologies such as soft robotics to develop medical devices for improved patient outcomes and clinical experience. 

His work has been recognized with the Innovation Prize at the Hamlyn Surgical Robot Challenge.

Research teams from across the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences will return to exhibit at New Scientist Live 2024, 12-14 October.

Public and school party tickets are on sale now: New Scientist Live 2024.

In this story

Lukas Lindenroth

Lecturer in Surgical Robotics