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19 November 2019

Dr Mike Duggan releases new book Sharing Mobilities

We’re pleased to announce the release of the Department of Digital Humanities's Dr Mike Duggan and the University of Catania’s Davide Arcidiacono’s new book Sharing Mobilities: Questioning Our Right to the City in the Collaborative Economy (Routledge, 2019).

Sharing Mobilities Routledge cover


Sharing mobilities examines contemporary urban sharing mobilities, such as shared and public forms of everyday urban mobility. Tracing the social and economic history of sharing mobilities and examining contemporary case studies of mobility sharing services, such as Car2go, BlaBlaCar, and Uber, the authors raise questions about what these changes mean for access to and engagement with the public spaces of transport in the city. 

Drawing on the thought of Lefebvre, the book considers how contemporary sharing mobilities are affecting people’s ‘right to the city’, with particular attention paid to the privatised, frictionless practices of movement through the city. 

We're asking what has happened to earlier forms of shared mobility and illustrating how some of these practices continue successfully today. Considering the potential that modern incarnations of shared mobilities offer to urban citizens for engaging in meaningful shared mobilities that are not simply determined by the interfaces of technology and market forces, this book will appeal to sociologists and geographers with interests in mobility and urban studies.

Dr. Mike Duggan, Teaching Fellow in Digital Cultures

Sharing Mobilities can be acquired from Routledge.

In this story

Michael Duggan

Lecturer in Digital Culture, Society and Economy