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04 June 2015

Final year English students presented with special memento

Final year English students were presented with a special memento of their time at King's, at an end of year party

Cosmo Davenport
Cosmo Davenport

Final year English students were presented with a special memento of their time at King's, at an end of year party.

Lecturer Dr Hannah Crawforth was so impressed with students' work on the John Milton-focussed 'Reading Paradise Lost' module, that she had their original poetry made into a booklet and printed. "The poems are absolutely brilliant," said Crawforth. ‘The students managed to authentically capture Milton’s voice while still sounding recognisably themselves. I was so impressed by how they rose to the challenge of imitating one of our greatest and best-known poems.'

Jonathan Andrews, whose poem featured in the booklet, said the poetic imitation exercise was a fantastic chance to step into the shoes of Milton as author. "As well as critiquing Milton's work, we were able to explore what could have been like for him to write Paradise Lost. The chance for publication was also great; it was the first piece of creative writing many of us had published and has encouraged many - including me - to continue down this path. The book itself is also a wonderful memento of our time at King's" he said.

The module sees students spend a whole semester studying the 12-book Paradise Lost, debating criticisms of the work and considering how it is relevant today. Student Mehnaz Garrib added: "The booklet is delightful in both its appearance and its contents - everybody wrote stunning imitations of Milton and I enjoyed reading them! The booklet is a testament to everybody's academic and creative achievements, and makes for a lovely memento of my time at King's."

In this story

Hannah Crawforth

Reader in Early Modern Literature