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07 July 2017

Final Year Prizes Awarded

The King’s College London Dental Institute is very proud of the 2016/17 Final Year BDS students who were awarded prizes during the Graduation Ceremony at Southwark Cathedral on Tuesday 4 July 2017.

The Final Year Prizes have a long history, some dating back to the early 19th century. More awards have been added over the years, reflecting the recognition of new developments in dental education. They represent history, modern history and new developments at King’s College London Dental Institute.

Winner of the Koray Feran Prize for Palace, and the Robert Woodhouse Prize, Catherine Liu thoroughly enjoyed her graduation experience: “Graduation day was an absolute dream; everyone had shed their tunics and looked absolutely stunning, and the campus was filled to the brim with beaming friends and relatives. It meant the world to me having my family there supporting me as they always have done, and it was a perfect end to five incredible years at King's.”

On her awards she adds: “It is an incredible honour to be awarded the Koray Feran prize as it represents the culmination of years of hard work, and it allows me to be even more proud of the care that I have provided for my patients.”

Says Professor Mark Woolford, Interim Executive Dean of the Dental Institute: “It is always a delight to celebrate the award of the prizes we have at the Dental Institute. Many of the prizes represent benefactors from over one hundred years ago, older than most dental schools in the UK. Whilst the prizes celebrate and reward the future of dentistry we do not forget the history and personalities behind them, some of the most important founding members of the dental profession.”

“Being the largest school in the UK means that prize winners are truly the very best among all graduates and are to be congratulated for their effort and excellence. We are very proud of them. The Graduation Ceremony gives us the opportunity to applaud the achievement of all our students as they move on to the next stage of their careers. We have given them all we can as a foundation for the opportunities awaiting them, and offer them very best wishes for their futures,” he concludes.

Final Year Prize Winners (L-R): Maliha Diwan, Catherine Liu, Professor Mark Woolford, Laura Beaumont, Suzanne Turner, Thomas Gill, Diva Shah, Professor Michael Escudier, Ushma Patel.


Full list of the 2016 / 2017 Final Year BDS prize winners:

Jelf Medal

Awarded to the student who has most distinguished him or herself during his or her undergraduate career, not only in academic proficiency, but also in social and athletic activities.

Deshvir Nandra


A. M. Clover Prize

Awarded to the student who has best epitomised the Guy’s motto ‘Dare Quam Accipere’ by showing that it is better to give than to receive in their attitude and whole-hearted involvement in all aspects of school life during their student career.

Joint winners: Joseph Harvey and Shu-Yang Ker


H. Arthur & J. Bernard Cohen Prize

Awarded for the best performance in a special examination on the subject of Anaesthetics & Sedation.

Diva Shah

Runner-up: Peter van den Bosch


Geoffrey Forman Prize

Awarded for the best essay on the subject of Oral Diagnosis.

Tapan Naik


Jack Wheatley Carlton Hunter Prize

Awarded to the student judged to have set the highest standard of exemplary conduct as regards courtesy, humanity and kindness in the treatment of patients.

Suzanne Turner


Malleson Prize

Awarded for the best report on research work carried out during the student’s clinical years in which the student has taken an active part.

Thomas Gill

Certificate of commendation: Catherine Liu


Newland Pedley Prize

Awarded to the student with the highest aggregate marks in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Amber Georgiou


Saunders Prize

Awarded to the student with the second highest aggregate marks in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Akta Prabhakar


Robert Woodhouse Prize

Awarded to the student with the third highest aggregate marks in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Catherine Liu


Alfred Woodhouse Prize

Awarded to the student with the fourth highest aggregate marks in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Michaela Deseta


Laurence Usiskin Prize

Awarded to the student with the fifth highest aggregate marks in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Ashmi Parekh


Warren Birnbaum Prize

Awarded to the medically-qualified dentist with the most meritorious overall performance in the BDS Part 5 examinations (Finals).

Peter van den Bosch


S. J. Kaye Prize

Awarded to the student with the highest mark in the online end of course Oral Disease examination and the Oral Disease components of the final clinical reasoning examination.

Tapan Naik

Joint second runners-up: Honieh Bolooki and Hiran Patel

Third runner-up: Chandra Sonara


Souyave Senior Class Prize in Endodontics

Awarded to the student who is most distinguished in the theory and practice of Endodontics

Ushma Patel

Runners-up: Ajay Mehta and Hui-Lynn Ooi


Parris Prize

Awarded to the student who has shown the greatest inventive genius

Certificates of commendation: Bhavina Bhudia and Hui-Lynn Ooi


Dental Public Health Prize

Awarded to the best-performing student in the Dental Public Health in-course assessment

Sangeetha Yogarajah


Academy of Operative Dentistry Award

Awarded for excellence and outstanding achievement in Operative Dentistry

Sabrina Shao


Tom Pitt-Ford Prize

Awarded to the most outstanding student in the field of Endodontology

William Andrews


Koray Feran Prize

Awarded for the best Case Presentations as part of Clinical Finals from each of the four student teams.

Monument: Laura Beaumont

Palace: Catherine Liu

St. Paul’s: Maliha Diwan

Thames: Suzanne Turner


Maurice Wohl General Dental Practice Centre Prize

Awarded to the student who has attained the highest standards of general dental practice whilst attending the Maurice Wohl General Dental Practice Centre

Nathan Gardiner

Certificate of Merit: Yiorgos Skordis

Certificate for Most Improved: William Andrews


The Portsmouth Prize

Awarded to the student who has added most to the ethos of the University of Portsmouth Dental Academy by providing excellent care to their patients and contributing enthusiastically to the concept of team working

Laura Beaumont


The Sachedina Prize

Awarded to a student selected from the top six achievers in all parts of Finals examinations, who, in addition to this achievement, is also judged on their career so far and on their contribution to the Dental Institute and to King’s College London.   

Akta Prabhakar