28 May 2019
Findings of identifying and evaluating advanced cancer patient care review receives award
Dr Lesley Henson's review on quality indicators for the care of cancer patients with advanced disease or at the end of life has received an Oustanding Poster award.
A review that identified and evaluated the quality indicators for the care of cancer patients with advanced stages of disease, or at the end of life, has found that only a small proportion of these indicators had received adequate testing and were appropriate for use.
The systematic review was carried out by Dr Lesley Henson, International PhD Clinical Training Fellow at the Cicely Saunders Institute, and received the 'Outstanding Poster by an Academic Clinical Lecturer' at the Integrated Academic Trainees Paper and Poster Competition, King's College London.
The review advised that the quality indicators be tested further, as well as future research to establish benchmarking data and expand quality indicators to psychosocial, cultural and spiritual domains of care.