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12 April 2017

Franco Moretti Lecture Series 2017

The Department of Comparative Literature at King's College London is delighted to welcome Professor Franco Moretti, Danily C. and Laura Louise Bell Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University, as Visiting Professor in June, 2017.


The Department of Comparative Literature at King’s College London is delighted to welcome Professor Franco Moretti, Danily C. and Laura Louise Bell Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University, as Visiting Professor in June, 2017.

Professor Moretti’s work has fundamentally changed the way we think about literature, arguing for a novel conception of Comparative and World Literature that goes well beyond the mere accumulation of authors and works. Over the course of several bold publications including Modern Epic: The World System from Goethe to Márquez (1995), Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900 (1998), Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History(2005), Distant Reading (2013) and The Bourgeois: Between History and Literature (2013), Moretti has revolutionized almost every facet of literary criticism and theory. His highly innovative methodologies are the foundation of the Center for the Study of the Novel and the Literary Lab at Stanford.

During his stay at King’s, Professor Moretti will give two public lectures:

The first “Totentanz. Operationalizing Aby Warburg’s Pathosformel”will take place on 7 June, 2017. 17:00. Anatomy Lecture Theatre, King’s Building, King’s College London. The second, “Day and Night. On the counterpoint of Western and film noir” on 21 June, 2017. 18:00. Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre, King’s Building, King’s College London.


(Aug 2022 - The Department of Comparative Literature is now the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures).

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