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08 July 2016

French student awarded PhD thesis prize

Department of French PhD student Thomas Gould has been awarded one of the 2016 Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prizes for his thesis.

Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prizes
Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prizes

Congratulations to Thomas Gould who has been awarded one of the 2016 Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prizes for his thesis titled Exposures to Silence: Roland Barthes, Samuel Beckett, Jean-Luc Nancy, Wallace Stevens, undertaken in the Department of French.  

These prizes are nominated by the external examiners who assess the thesis, and judged by a panel consisting of Prof Vaughan Robinson (Director of the Graduate School) and Dr Ann Mumford (Head of Graduate Studies, DPSL). They are awarded twice per year (in January and July), and 15 prizes are given out across the year. 

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