24 April 2018
Georgian Papers Programme Public Symposium
The Library of Congress' John W Kluge Centre sponsored a symposium featuring scholars who were recently among the first to examine the papers of King George III, the English monarch in power when the American colonies declared independence, in the Georgian Papers at England's Windsor Castle.

The Library of Congress’ John W Kluge Centre sponsored a symposium featuring scholars who were recently among the first to examine the papers of King George III, the English monarch in power when the American colonies declared independence, in the Georgian Papers at England’s Windsor Castle.
The Library of Congress partnered with the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and King’s College London to host the symposium and support the study of the collection of King George III through the Georgian Papers Programme, a partnership among British and American institutions.
The project to digitise King George III's private papers, in collaboration with the Royal Archives, was launched on 1 April 2015 in the presence of The Queen at Windsor Castle. To read more about the project, click here.
To watch the video, click below: