“We realised that telling students that diversity and inclusion is important is insufficient, and we were frustrated with unconscious bias training that raises awareness without providing skills to counter it.“
Dr Elizabeth Black
31 October 2019
Giving students the skills they need to succeed in a globalised world
The Departments of War Studies, Chemistry and Informatics are pleased to announce the launch of their new innovative online module for students, ‘Professional Skills in a Globalised World.’ Produced in cooperation with Marshall E-Learning, the aim of the module is to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for them to thrive in a diverse and multicultural world.

The course takes around an hour to complete and features interactive activities, animations, video interviews with King’s staff and students, scenarios based on real experiences at King’s and a certificate on completion.
The course includes sections on diversity and inclusion and why they matter, managing our biases, the importance of considering how our words and actions can impact others, what this all means in daily life and small steps we can each take to create a more inclusive environment, and a final section on rights, responsibilities and recourse, including how to get help and support at King's and beyond.
Supported by Faculty Education Grants from NMS and SSPP, the course was written and created by Dr Elizabeth Black (Informatics), Dr Helen Coulshed (Chemistry) and Dr Susan B Martin (War Studies), together with a paid student advisory board.
For questions or further info please email: skills-for-globalised-world@kcl.ac.uk
“Working with students to develop this module was crucial. It meant that we could identify issues that are important to students and helped ensure that we addressed those issues in relevant and accessible ways.”
Dr Susan Martin
'We are looking forward to students engaging with the module this year, and after a three-year trial in our departments, will be looking to roll it out to the entire King’s community,”
Dr Helen Coulshed