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09 December 2019

Gudrun Kunst awarded Macintosh Professorship by Royal College of Anaesthetists

Professor Gudrun Kunst was recently recognised by the Royal College of Anaesthetists for her outstanding contributions to the wider field of anaesthesia.

Professor Gudrun Kunst
Professor Gudrun Kunst

Macintosh Professorships are awarded for one year and recipients are required to deliver a keynote lecture.  Professor Kunst’s inaugural lecture entitled Myocardial Protection by Volatile Anaesthetics – Mirage or Reality?  will take place at the Cardiac Disease and Anaesthesia Symposium 2020.

Professor Kunst’s recent achievements include the consolidation and expansion of clinical trials leadership teams in anaesthesia and perioperative medicine at King's College Hospital (KCH) and across South London in her roles as the anaesthetic research lead at KCH and as the South London NIHR Clinical Research Network Lead. 

This award recognises the excellent opportunities for cross-disciplinary clinical research at KCH and across South London and I feel truly honoured to represent the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences and KCH as the Royal College of Anaesthetists’ Macintosh Professor.

Professor Gudrun Kunst

Read more about the Macintosh Professorship here

In this story

Gudrun  Kunst

Consultant Anaesthetist and Honorary Professor of Cardiovascular Anaesthesia