22 January 2025
Introducing Manjot Brar
Manjot is an intern at the Unit, working with Olivia Luijnenburg

Manjot Brar starts an internship at the NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit this week. Between now and August 2025 Manjot will be supporting Dr Olivia Luijnenburg with day-to-day research activities focusing on improving dementia care and policy.
"I'm a Biology and Psychology BSc graduate and am currently completing an MSc in Developmental Psychopathology. After seeing the power of research in addressing the challenges posed by physical and mental health through my academic experiences I became interested in contributing to such efforts. To do this I have worked as a research assistant to evaluate healthcare services for people living with dementia and also explored the barriers underrepresented groups face in accessing support. I am very excited to learn more about what methods can be used to improve dementia care and hope to use this knowledge to begin a PhD in the future."
Manjot will be involved in a range of activities, such as literature searching, qualitative data collection and analysis, community engagement activities, and supporting the writing of academic papers, blogs and grant applications. The internship will be an opportunity to observe, learn and develop a range of transferable skills, with a focus on health and care research, and it will involve helping to facilitate the Dementia Community Research Network.