27 September 2018
King's cleaners and security staff to become employees
Our cleaners and security staff to become employees of King’s

Dear All,
I’m delighted to announce that King’s has made the decision to bring its cleaners and security staff in-house at the end of our current contracts with Servest and CIS in 2019.
The process of making these teams King’s employees is complex, and will take time. However, our Revenue and Expenditure Review Committee (RERC) and College Council agree that this should be done as soon as practicably and legally possible. Bringing the people who deliver these vital services onto our payroll and properly into the King’s community is the right thing to do.
I would like to acknowledge the heartfelt campaigning by everyone who felt so strongly that King’s should make sure these service-providers are part of the King’s family. I also want to acknowledge the people who worked so hard to produce proposals that could make this possible.
In our Vision 2029 document we said that King’s, like all great universities, should make a full contribution to society. Our decision to discontinue outsourcing these services is fully aligned with that ambition and our mission to make the world a better place.
Yours faithfully
Professor Ed Byrne
Principal and President, King’s College London.