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03 October 2018

King's College London Lecturer Dr Btihaj Ajana publishes new book, Metric Culture

King's College London Lecturer Dr Btihaj Ajana publishes new book, Metric Culture.

Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices
Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices

A new book, ‘Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practises’ edited by King’s College London Senior Lecturer Dr Btihaj Ajana has been published. The book explores life in a “metric culture” where data, algorithms, and numbers play an unmistakably, powerful role in defining and shaping the world we inhabit.

This book provides a critical investigation into issues of power, control, self and identity and examines what is driving the agenda of metric culture. It presents thirteen chapters by leading authors who analyse the diversity and hybridity of metric culture and explore its various social, political and ethical implications.

Dr Btihaj Ajana is currently a Senior Lecturer at King’s College London and an international scholar in the fields of digital culture and social analysis. She was recently a Marie Curie fellow and Associate Professor at Aarhus Institute of Advances Studies in Denmark where she conducted a project on self-tracking practices. Her academic work focuses on digital culture, media praxis, and biopolitics. Btihaj has also written Governing through Biometrics: The Biopolitics of Identity (2013) and is editor of Self – Tracking: Empirical and Philosophical Investigations (2017).

For further information about the book, please click here.

In this story

Btihaj Ajana

Professor of Ethics and Digital Culture