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12 December 2017

King's help the homeless initiative

4th year dental student Parnyan Ashtari and Dental Institute staff member Claire McCarthy recently helped organise an event for the homeless. As well as providing warm food and other essentials, Parnyan and Claire ran a dental workshop providing information and advice on oral hygiene.

King’s 2029 strategic vision is to make a tangible difference to the wellbeing, health, culture, security and prosperity of the local and international communities that we engage with.  As part of this Parnyan and Claire collaborated with the different faculties, staff and students to organise the King’s College London 'Help the Homeless' event.

The first of its kind to be arranged at the university, the event required many months of preparation and enabled individuals to come along to have warm food, access to a legal drop-in session, barbers, clothes and take-away toiletry bags.

Parnyan and Claire also ran a dental workshop providing information and advice on oral hygiene, mouth cancer awareness and sign-posting to local services, as well as donating 200 toothbrushes and 2kg worth of toothpaste for distribution. The event was a great success and Parnyan and Claire would like to thank Linda Perry from GSK, Beverly Banton and Oral B for their kind donations.

If you would be interested in getting involved for future events please message Parnyan at