09 December 2019
King's in the news - round-up of November 2019
Research from King’s College London and Guy’s, St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospitals makes headlines around the world. We’ve selected a few recent stories to share with you like Hillary Clinton’s recent conversation about the issues facing women leaders with Julia Gillard, former prime minister of Australia and Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at King’s.
Hillary Clinton on women’s leadership
The Times, The Guardian and Daily Mail were amongst the news outlets carrying coverage of Hillary Clinton’s trip to King’s made headlines this month, after she spoke out about the fear and intimidation that women suffer when they run for office. The comments were made during a wide-ranging conversation with Julia Gillard, during which Clinton spoke passionately about the multitude of issues women are faced with in their professional, public and private lives.
‘If people are intimidated out of running for office in a democracy, because of hate-mongers on the left or on the right, motivated by whatever, that is the path of authoritarianism, that’s the path of fascism.’ - Hillary Clinton
Tackling loneliness can help prevent cognitive decline
Professor Mauricio Avendano Pabon, Professor of Public Policy & Global Health at King’s, and Dr Ludovico Carrino, Research Fellow at King’s, discuss how simple policy changes impacting loneliness could have a significant impact on cognitive decline in older age.
'We’re often told that the solution to cognitive decline lies in new medicines or therapies that can reduce symptoms, or by following a healthy lifestyle. But recent research by our team found that social and emotional well-being – meaning our feelings of being connected to family and the community, and our subjective experience of positive or negative emotions – may be just as important as therapy and lifestyle for maintaining good cognitive function in older age.'
Read more on The Conversation
Science Gallery London takes on gender
Science Gallery London at King’s has announced that its spring exhibition will focus on gender. Bringing together artists, social scientists, biologists, neuroscientists and activists, ‘GENDERS Shaping and breaking the binary’ will be created in collaboration with local young people and draw on research from many academic fields at King’s.
Empowering jobseekers
Dr Michael Sanders, Reader in Public Policy at King’s, Elspeth Kirkman, Senior Visiting Fellow at King’s, and Alex Gyani, University of Melbourne, discuss their interventions into 15 jobcentres in the UK.
'In our research, we worked with more than 110,000 participants to take a different approach to finding work. This included tackling two major barriers to employment: low morale and the challenge of looking for a job effectively. […]
We found that people enrolled in our new approach were about 3% less likely to still be claiming unemployment benefits at 13 weeks – this is the period of time the Department for Work and Pensions uses to measure success. This effect may seem small, but for an intervention that’s practically free, it’s nothing to be sniffed at. We also found that Jobcentres that were performing least well before the study experienced the biggest benefits from the new approach.'
Read more in The Conversation
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