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13 May 2022

King's most esteemed individuals honoured at the first Sport Hall of Fame ceremony

Alumni, staff and honoured guests attended the Great Hall for a drinks reception where 18 alumni were inducted into the inaugural hall of fame.

Katherine Grainger (host and inductee), Bill Treadwell (inductee), Thomas George (GKTRFC President)

King’s College London Alumni Association and King’s Sport have partnered to create the inaugural King’s Sport Hall of Fame.

This event has been organized to recognize the importance of sport in past and present university life. The ceremony that took place on 28th April was hosted by King’s alumna, Dame Katherine Grainger.

A panel of six accumulated much historical and current information of the contributions of past and present students to the sporting life of their Colleges, Hospitals and University which now make up the current King’s College London.

The introduction of the King’s Sport Hall of Fame is a incredible opportunity for the university to recognise and celebrate our achievements across a number of Sports, both in the past and in the present. The Awards uncovered many significant contributions made dating back through our long and proud history of excellence. It was a privilege share the evening with our KCLA colleagues, our host; Dame Katherine Grainger, our esteemed recipients and a number of our future sporting history makers.

Anthony Currie-Webb

So far over 160 people have been identified who qualified from King’s or its constituent Colleges and who have represented their country, in a total of over 12 different sports.

Every one to two years, those honoured will be inducted under three categories.

  1. Significant sporting achievement: Alumni or students who have achieved national or international recognition having represented their country in competitive sport and have brought credit to King’s and its alumni by having done so. These will be both current and historical. 

  2. Commitment to sport: Staff, alumni or students who have brought sustained enthusiasm and commitment to King’s sport which has enabled their sport(s) to survive and thrive. 
  3. Sporting clubs: Clubs which have nurtured their sport, achieved national prominence and spawned multiple internationals (or persons fulfilling criteria for admission into the Hall of Fame. 

On the evening of Thursday 28th April 150 students, Alumni, staff and honoured guests attended the Great Hall for a drinks reception where 18 alumni were inducted into the inaugural hall of fame.

Following the ceremony, alumni shared stories with current students creating strong bonds between present and past. Those honoured were then invited to a celebration dinner in the river room.

It was a great honour and pleasure to introduce and learn about all of the amazing athletes being inducted into the sports hall of fame at King’s!

Esha Mohan (GKTWRFC)

To find out more about the King's Sport Hall of Fame & this year's inductees visit our webpage

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