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19 June 2020

London Plasmonics Forum goes digital

The annual London Plasmonics Forum was conducted online for the first time, attracting a global audience of over 140 delegates and hosted by Professor Anatoly Zayats, Head of the Physics & Nanotechnology Group at King’s College London.

London Plasmonics Forum
The online format of this year’s forum was created in response to current COVID-19 restrictions.

The London Plasmonics Forum has been held at King’s since 2015, and is hosted by Anatoly and Professor Stefan Maier from Imperial College London as lead investigators on the EPSRC-funded programme grant Reactive Plasmonics

Professor Thomas Ebbesen from the University of Strasbourg opened the event with the keynote talk on 'The Alchemy of Vacuum', overviewing how vacuum modes can influence chemistry and superconductivity, with a lively Q&A session after.

Other speakers included King's Dr Diane Roth with a presentation on 'Generating colour 3D images from planar metasurfaces.' This was followed by Daniel Glass from Imperial College London presenting details on the 'Recent advances in photo-induced enhanced Raman spectroscopy (PIERS): the effects of UV sources'. Finally, Dr Emilie Ringer from the University of Cambridge gave a talk entitled 'Magnesium Nanoplasmonics.'

The online format of the event allowed for greater involvement with the wider international plasmonics community, with delegates tuning in from Japan to the US. The digital poster session drew entries from researchers from all over the world, including Russia, India, the UK and Europe. It was judged by science journalist Dr Anna Demming, Dr Nina Meinzer from Nature Physics, and Dr Rachel Won from Nature Photonics.

On reflection of this year's Forum, Anatoly commented;


“This was an unusual London Plasmonics Forum in unusual times, but everyone enjoyed it. We had an enthusiastic line-up of attendees from around the world, fantastic speakers and beautiful posters. We look forward to welcoming old and new friends to the Forum next year when we hope business will be as usual.”

A playlist of the flash poster presentations is available for public viewing.

In this story

Anatoly Zayats

Professor of Physics